13 October 2007

Posting new pages

- such as the obit of Doc that I've just posted.

Posting new pages like this seems to be a manager's privilege. I hope as many members as possible will send stuff to us to have it put up (I bet my fellow managers will be pleased to have me volunteer them like this).

Jim, you mentioned somewhere the problem of having stray HTML code appearing in the text. I found I had to make a plaintext version of my file (one of the options in Save As in MS Word), copy and paste that in when creating the Web page, and then make headings bold and italic and so on by hand.

What I couldn't work out how to do was to nest the three pages I've added underneath the Obituaries heading in the navigation panel at the left.

Posting new pages

- such as the obit of Doc that I've just posted.

Posting new pages like this seems to be a manager's privilege. I hope as many members as possible will send stuff to us to have it put up (I bet my fellow managers will be pleased to have me volunteer them like this).

Jim, you mentioned somewhere the problem of having stray HTML code appearing in the text. I found I had to make a plaintext version of my file (one of the options in Save As in MS Word), copy and paste that in when creating the Web page, and then make headings bold and italic and so on by hand.

What I couldn't work out how to do was to nest the three pages I've added underneath the Obituaries heading in the navigation panel at the left.

Doc's obit & memorial service - Hants Chronicle reports

I've just posted these two items - the obit had to be split over two pages.

I was astonished when I read the report of the memorial service at Winchester Cathedral. I'd forgotten being there - among three members of the Cooper family listed as attending. (I haven't reproduced the full list in my transcript - it's too long. Anyone who wants to know if any particular person is in that list should contact me through this site.)

According to the report, one member of Doc's family who was there was Mr W C Cavill. Presumably he was an in-law - does anyone know who he was?

Doc's obit & memorial service - Hants Chronicle reports

I've just posted these two items - the obit had to be split over two pages.

I was astonished when I read the report of the memorial service at Winchester Cathedral. I'd forgotten being there - among three members of the Cooper family listed as attending. (I haven't reproduced the full list in my transcript - it's too long. Anyone who wants to know if any particular person is in that list should contact me through this site.)

According to the report, one member of Doc's family who was there was Mr W C Cavill. Presumably he was an in-law - does anyone know who he was?