John (Jake) Ashurst at 98 years - Head Master 1964 to 1971
Photo posted 16 July 2021
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Teachers 1944 to 1950
A compilation, by Doug Clews, of photos supplied by others, of Teachers from this era.
Dr. P.T. Freeman - Headmaster (Photo 1946) |
Masters 1954
kindly supplied by John Piper
+(Pongo)+Cox.jpg) |
Mr. L.W.R. (Ray) (Pongo) Cox |
Mr. E. (Eric) (Major) (Hettie) Hammond |
+Gladwell.jpg) |
Mr. F.E. (Ernie) Gladwell |
+Northeast.jpg) |
Mr. J.L. (Jack) Northeast |
Mr. Perkins |
+(Pappa)+Watts.jpg) |
Mr. L. (Larry) (Pa) (Pappa) Watts |
+(Stinker)+Simpson.jpg) |
Mr. (Sam) (Stinker) Simpson |
Mr. J.L. (Sandy) S.John |
+(Umph)+Sykes.jpg) |
Mr. (Bill) (Umph) Sykes |
+(Bogbrush)+Smith.jpg) |
Mr. I.G. (Boggers) (Bogbrush) Smith |
+(Randy)+Barron-Renton.jpg) |
Mr. A. (Alan) (Randy) Barron-Renton |
+Cooksey.jpg) |
Mr. (Purdie) Cooksey |
+(Biffer)+Smith.jpg) |
Mr. R. (Ron) (Biffer) Smith |
+(Tom)+Pierce.jpg) |
Mr. G.G. (George) (Tom) Pierce |
+Griffin.jpg) |
Mr. (Oink) Griffin |
+(Sniffer)+Yates.jpg) |
Mr. C.A.N. (Cany) (Sniffer) Yates |
+(Why-not)+Woodhouse.jpg) |
Mr. P. (Paul) (Why-not) Woodhouse |
+(Chalky)+White.jpg) |
Mr. S. (Steve) (Chalky) White |
Mr. E.O. (EO) Jones |
+Phillimore.jpg) |
Mr. (Phil) Phillimore |
+Harris.jpg) |
Mr. (Tweedy) Harris |
+Ward.jpg) |
Mr. (Larry) Ward |
+(Clanger)+Laing.jpg) |
Mr. J.K. (Joe) (Klanger) Laing |
+Tavener.jpg) |
Mr. (Ted) Tavener |
+Priestland.jpg) |
Mr. (Oofy) Priestland |
A picture is worth a 1000 words, and here we have also a 1000 individual memories. Thank you dear colleagues
terrific post Doug, thanks
Hi Scotty ... How are things in Brissie ? Reading
some past comments, it is interesting to note that some of the memories
of each master appear to be common to all students, but many students
obseved or felt things that others perhaps didn't ... I suppose it
depended on whether you sat at the font or the back of the class maybe
!!! Doug from WOZ
My Grandad before his hair went white! What a nice surprise to get in an email!
a great photo journey down memory lane. It is a testament to their
longevity and commitment that even though these are 1954 dated photos,
when I attended Peter Symonds 1967 – 1972, 15/28 of this group were
still teaching. These included the following masters who I had classes
“Pa” Watts (History) – “on the bloomin’ fiddle again”, a real down to earth man.
Cox (Biology) – “for you laddie” – could have an occasional mean streak
in him (forcing buys to sit on the leg of an upturned lab stool or
making them eat chalk), always got on well with him and used to buy rare
stamps at his house.
“Tom” Pierce (English) – great storyteller, emotional man at times.
“Oink” Griffin (French) – “come along now, we have a lot of work to do today” – quite a high strung man.
“Chalky” White (Math) – great math teacher for me, with those dexterous fingers.
“Tweedy” Harris (6th form – Pure Math) – monotone voice, took a lot of stick from his students.
“Crow” Taverner (Geography) – “told you before” – very good teacher,
inspired my interest in Geography, that I probably should have taken at
“A” level, along with History and Economics (Peter May – always had most
interesting discussions with him). Instead after “O” levels, I yielded
to peer pressure and took Chemistry, Biology, and Pure Math with
Statistics at “A” level, none of which proved to be my true calling, or
really held my academic interest.
Also there during my time, Mr.
Cooksey, the deputy head with the slicked back hair, who never taught
me, but was always lurking outside class windows to drag out and
reprimand boys with what he considered to be long hair violations.
Memories. Good exercise for the brain is to try to think who is not in
the gallery. I was at the school in 1957 so Doc Freeman had already been
followed by Jock Shields but other names come to mind: Fergie
Ferguson (Chemistry), Cosher Bray (maths and PE), Ollie (I dont think it
was Ossie!) Osbourne (carpentry). I still have a five inch long tapered
piece of wood which was supposed to be a spade scraper. I told my
children it started out as a dining room table but every time I made a
mistake I had to plane out the error and so it ended up being just five
inches long.
Spider Webb (Latin) joined early in my time and
taught me how to win at Trivial Pursuits as his end of term quiz games
were great fun.
Hi Peter 'P' ... Well,
'Fergie' was indeed at the School in my era ('44 - '50) and, in those
days, taught only General Science as far as I can remember ... he was an
excellent, well liked and well respected Master, remembered by quite a
few !!! ... there are several Masters from my era missing from the
Gallery, but, alas, I fear there is little chance of tracking down any
photos of them, mainly because so few people had cameras in those days
and even if you did, film was virtually un-obtainable and Panoramic
School Photos had not been heard of ... such a shame !!!
to Peteline's comments :- .... not forgetting Mr. I.G. Smith French
teacher and renowned chess and bridge player. If only I had attended his
bridge lessons (sigh)
scotty1500 wrote on Aug 27, '11, edited on Aug 27, '11
leaving School in 1954 I found my way to New Scotland Yard on the
Embankment in London and as a lunchtime diversion would stroll towards
Charing Cross before returning to work, except for the day I stopped in
at the park where artists were displaying their work and you can imagine
my surprise at seeing a collection of work signed JLN, naturally I
stopped and admired what was on show when a voice rang out 'What are you
doing here young Scott'' Startled I managed to have a conversation and
later sitting in my office could not wonder what I had done to be
remembered as my Artwork left a lot to be desired. After National
Service I returned briefly to the Yard but never saw him displaying
again. Remembered with affection! John Scott 1948-53.
taught me German but far more than that he developed in me a desire to
travel and is undoubtedly the reason I finished up in Australia. Thank
you Ernie for trips to The Rhineland, Lake Lucerne and Italy. John Scott
would have been a surprise indeed, John, but what a lovely one ... my
thanks will forever go to JLN for teaching me how to draw and my
memories are of a great and patient teacher, as well as being a very
nice man !
scotty1500 wrote on Aug 29, '11, edited on Aug 29, '11
Pierce renowned in my world for a visit one weekend (rode my bike from
Eastleigh) to St Cross sports field to watch him play but most of all
our weekly gardening foray to the 'plots' just past the Fives courts,
and I wonder if that is what has speared my interest in growing for food
Some Masters 1957
Unknown contributor
Mr. (Cyril) Stapleton |
No. 1 |
Mr. (Fergie) Ferguson |
No. 4 |
Teachers '58
Kindly supplied by John Piper
spent a pleasant Sunday yesterday on Queensland's Gold Coast chatting,
reminiscing and being generally nostalgic with my former supervisor from
Melbourne's Weather Bureau a man I had not seen or spoken to since 1976
- obviously we both had a wonderful time but the attached fotos
outstrip those memories by another 30 years - Thank you John Piper, I
scrolled slowly down the page trying to put the name to the face and
surprised myself with the results, certainly not 100% but more than I
would have given me credit for Scotty 1948-53
Mr Stapleton, Mathematics. He was there when I started in 1964 and left in the late 60's when he moved to Kent.
One of his claims-to-fame was the day he met Hitler in 1940 after being taken prisoner near Lillehammer.
Cox told me that his nickname (French for "egg") originated decades ago
when he had a large growth on the side of his head. It was surgically
removed but by then the name had been imposed by one of his
unsympathetic pupils.
deeceeau wrote on Nov 23, edited on Nov 24
Bernard ... thanks for your contribution ... I have just realised that
you make reference to Mr Cox (Pongo), but show a photo of Mr Priestland
(Oofy) ... I guess it should have read the latter
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