26 July 2017

A big thankyou to John Piper for his latest posting of a 'Medal' yet to be identified ... the archivist of the TSA is endeavouring to find out more about it, and any information received, whether from him or from other sources, will be published here.

An apology from me also goes to John Piper for taking from December 2016 to get some photos he kindly sent me, posted to the site ... this was due to an unexplained problem with our site, preventing me from posting pictures ... the problem has resolved itself just today, and the photos now appear in Prefects, JTC & CCF and General Photos ... Many thanks John.

22 July 2017

A PSSW Medal

Hi All,

I came across this small (27mm dia.) medal

Are any of you chaps able to identify it? I wondered if it might date to the WW2 period and perhaps be cadet corps related. But that's only a guess. 

Look forward to hearing from you.

