21 April 2008

Mike Whatmore

G'day Doug,


I have just heard of the death of Mike


Mike and I grew up together in Stanmore,
Winchester. We went to Stanmore Junior School together and then on to PSSW in
September 1945. I left in December 1949 but Mike stayed on until about 1952.
With his wife he emigrated to Canada in the sixties.


Best wishes,


Juhn Lock

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New member

A welcome to the Group to John Briggs in Hong Kong ... he and I were at PSSW together, our paths crossing in the upper 5th. ...

I hope you are able to meet up with some other pupils in your time John and, hopefully, share both memories and pictures ...

There is already a posting today by Mick Davey, whom I know you remember as one of the Davey Twins ...

Enjoy !!!

Doug Clews
Joint Manager

14 April 2008

super site

scotty1500 is John Scott 1948-53 - forgive me for intruding but am anxious to see if any of my peers aparty from 3 or 4 already found are out there behind the nicknames
Thanks from Townsville OZ

13 April 2008

Other Masters

The letter from Scotty1500 has awakened my thoughts.

I was also with my twin a train traveller from Eastleigh although we always caught the 8.20 and returned on the 4.25.

I have been looking in my archives and see I progressed from III A, IV A, V2 Sci, V1 Sci, VI2 Sci, VI1 Sci to VII.

During my School Cert year my masters were

English Lang and Lit - Oophy Priestland

Latin - S J Cooksey

German - Ernie Gladwell

Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry - W Cozens

Art - Baron Renton

Chemistry - Sammy Simpson

Physics - Turton


For A Levels

Pure Maths - W Cozens

Applied Maths - Harry Hawkins

Chemisttry - Sammy Simpson

Physics - Turton

I also in my early years was taught by E O Jones, W Robinson, Pongo Cox


I hope this will awaken a few memories




12 April 2008

past masters

Enough patience - will try to remember the people who surely must have had an influence on my life and maybe spark someone else into another lapse of nostalgia (doesn't The Oxford English define it as the pasttime of the aged)

Primary importance Jack Northeast - As an Art student he had zero effect on my abilities, but after PS I worked at New Scotland Yard and during a lunch break in 1954 and again after NS in 1957 I sat in the Embankment Gardens and then wandered round an open air art exhibit, pictures signed JLN caught my eye and I timidly asked the artist about them, he looked up and replied WEell young Scott what are you doing in London. I have never ceased to be amazed at the ability of masters to remember nonentities like me.
Smithy (junior maths) & Watts (English) neighbouring rooms bottom and middle left of main hall, both sporting fans and indeed gave ne the fright of my young life when they mentioned "investing" in my FA Cup sweep, they won too! maybe thats why the scheme only last one year. Arsenal seems to ring a bell.
Gladwell (my earlier thoughts called him Bedwell) German botttom right of main hall I excelled at something finally and then failed O level yet passed French at which I was and still am mildly weak, despite this school trips to Osnabruck and later Lucerne obviously were a benefit, I later married a Wienerin and one of my sons now has flat there and speaks fluent German (& Japanese) (something about WW2 keeps my mind reeling)
Middle right of main hall. Harry boy - gruff, intolerant but enough to frighten senior maths into me.
That leaves the two rooms nearest the head's end latin on the right was that Priestly or Cooksey and on the left Priestland(?) brilliant but an enforcer his English General knowledge are one of the firm memories I have of PS that and his discipline for talking in class, two culprits at the front of the class dealt with in a single movement of his arm from left to right and right to left, very effective.
Upstairs to Divinity & Doc never got much divine influence but the centuries old walls showing in a modern field of crops was a revelation, but never knew who took the photos for him.
Who taught me French, Science not even vague memories. Whoah nearly forgot Tom Pearce what did he teach, apart from supervising our class plot on the border past the Fives courts and going down to St Cross to watch the cricket at weekends. To get to school Monday to Saturday I caught the 8 am from Eastleigh to Winchester (non stop) miss it and had to get the slow at 8,20am and run up the hill to get on time.
That should be enough for now hope it stimulates some memories and 55 years late I have decided to join OSS.

11 April 2008

Paul Lacey

I am looking for Paul Lacey's contact details.
He was in France but told me he was moving back to the UK
Any body know how to contact him please email peter.evans@ventech.co.ukj or phone +44 1889 272781


I noticed Prefects 1956 (Korvin & Anstis) 1955 Michael Shapland brother of costudent from Eastleigh Robin Norman George S., and that unfortunately is that, I am sure there are members out there as I refuse to believe I am even near to being the last. Lets run through a list as my memory serves me. Keith Tizzard (older bro Brian) Derek Stocker, Brian Sewter & "Jack" Ruffhead (fellow members of PS gamblers inc.) and remember seeing Coronation at Highcliffe church (Ruffhead's home base, Anthony Bayliss, Peter Barfoot, Shiel-Small, well that's a sadly short list.
1954- Civil service Met Police, 1955 NS Germany, 1956 Cyprus, 1957 back to CS, 1958-62 Theatre Manager, 1963-1969 Overseas Telegraph, 1969 - 1976 Melbourne, 1977-1984 Supermarket Owner Mackay Queensland, retired 1984 to date to devote my "talents" to administration of Junior and Senior Aussie Rules in North Queensland and still there but re retired to Townsville in 2002, now I am getting boring so I hand it over to the public domain

03 April 2008

Old Symondians Society

With the New Year now in full swing I write to see if any members of this website would be interested in joining the OSS.  We hold various events throughout the year and members receive regular newsletters, college bulletins and a members handbook.
If you would like further information then please contact me at casamelara@aol.com  or telephone me on 01793 849050.
You can also visit our website at www.oldsymondianssociety.co.uk
So far we have over 400 members worldwide and our aim is to keep you in touch with each other and the College.
I look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
Mike Conlan
Honorary Secretary